Wednesday, September 30, 2009


For those who found Come from Heaven, Alpha's debut album, just a bit too consistently downtempo, this remix EP offers a thoroughly enjoyable remedy: remixes, most of them resolutely funky and upbeat, and a few rare tracks that contrast with them nicely. "With" comes in a politely funky hip hop remix courtesy of the Underdog, while "Hazeldub (MoreRockersPeaceAndLoveMix)" is a drum'n'bass setting that manages to be both frenetic and wispily lovely at the same time. "Honey" is an instrumental based too entirely on a single breakbeat, but it segues nicely into the illbient prettiness of Tim Simenon's remix of "Sometime Later." There are some great vocals from Helen White on "Slim," which also features a thunderous drum sample in a nice juxtaposition. Frankly, this album is far superior to the band's debut -- varied in tone and texture, melodically attractive, by turns booty-shaking and bliss-inducing.
~ Rick Anderson, All Music Guide

I don't particularly agree with the above review about their first album. I thought it was
great and I wish mine didn't break so I could post it here. Anyway...I hope you enjoy this one.
- Πελαγινοι

Artist: Alpha
Album: Pepper
Year: 1998
Label: Virgin Records / Melankolic

Track List:
  1. With (Underdog Remix)
  2. Hazeldub (More Rockers Peace and Love Mix)
  3. Honey
  4. Sometime Later (Tim Simenon Mix)
  5. Slim (Underdog Remix)
  6. Firefly (Receiver Mix)
  7. Pepper (1995)
  8. Bamboo Forest
  9. Over
Low quality sample:

1 comment:

  1. I concur... i loved their 1st, must have been 17 at the time... *sigh*
